Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to Ride a Hippo

This was my little Elizabeth today... she just learned how to start climbing onto everything by kicking her legs up onto stuff haha!

This is how excited she was to ride her little hippo... it rocks back and forth!

And this is how she smiled when I told her to say "cheese"! Haha.. then she squealed and that's how the first picture came about!

Poor little thing has been doing some serious teething and has FIVE teeth all at once coming in!
Surprisingly though she hasn't been very fussy (just very clingy towards me), and she only ran a fever when it all first started. I am very proud of her, I know it must hurt really badly, and she has taken it like a pro!

happy happy hippos,

Check out my beauty blog for lots of beauty, fashion, DIY, and fun!--> Foxxy Beauty

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A day in D.C.

Yesterday was spent with my mom, step-dad, and my hubby (Elizabeth too of course) in D.C. It was their first time in D.C., and my hubby's too for the most part, he had never actually been there (only driven through).

Unfortunately though we didn't get to do what we went there to do. Our goal was to go and see the Vietnam Veteran's wall (my step-dad was in the Vietnam war) that is there but it was just such a LONG walk. It had been years since I was there so of course I didn't know very great routes to take. We did get to ride the subway though haha... I had been on the ones in D.C. before, but my mom and them hadn't.

If you read my beauty blog at then you know that I did get to see the actual ruby red slippers from the Wizard of Oz though hehe... We visited one of the Smithsonian's for a bit, but we got such a late start. I do feel awful that my step-dad didn't make it to the wall this trip, but sadly he has such a horrible back now that it hurts him after walking for too long. Thankfully though this isn't the last time that they will be going to D.C. in the near future.

Here are a few pics of some of the things that we were close enough to take pictures of though!

The Washington Monument

A fragment of Plymouth Rock. Said to be where the pilgrims landed in 1620.

Here is what I looked like yesterday haha!

Here is the entrance to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History

A Babe Ruth signed baseball!! I just thought this was neat so I had to share it. There were lots of neat things there that have all contributed to American history. I only viewed one small area of it and I really want to go back and see it all.. plus it's FREE!

Check out my other blog--> Foxxy Beauty

Monday, May 28, 2012

My lil angel is home

Today my mom and step-dad made it into town.. So the next few days I get to be all "touristy" hehe. This also means though that my lil baby that I have missed so much, is finally home! Which means my living room with go back to looking like this picture below haha.. If any of you out there have little ones then you know they can destroy a living room in 30 seconds flat haha!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I was in a wedding!

Hey everyone. This past weekend was super busy. My hubby and I were in Tennessee for one of my oldest friend's wedding! To see some more details about how my hair and makeup and other fun things, check out my beauty blog at

For this blog, I decided to share just a few pics, since my other post sorta summed up the whole weekend haha! So here we go...

This first picture was taken with my phone... normally it takes really great pics, but for some reason this one turned out blurry!
 Starting from your right, I am the third one to the left.
 So I definitely didn't stand up straight here haha... and I needed to!
 So... we ended up doing a dance at the end of their first dance.... The Carlton (Jump on it). You can barely see me in this pic haha! The bride, Merissa, was really great when it came to planning and after the ceremony and more pictures we were all suppose to change into some sort of cowboy looking boots. Which was really great considering we had all been in heels for hours, it gave our feet a rest, and made dancing a whole lot less painful and easier hehe.
In this picture the groom, Jon, is walking up... I am all the way to the far right!

The entire day was absolutely perfect and beautiful and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all had a total blast at the reception. I can't wait to see how all of the pictures turned out, especially the ones that were taken in the fun photobooth that was set up haha!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Wedding Weekend

Here in about an hour I will be leaving to head to Tennessee. I am going to be in one of my oldest friend's weddings! (We have been friends since we were two... I am 25 now, so a REALLY long time haha)

She was one of my bridesdmaids and now I get to be one of her's! I couldn't be more blessed to be able to share this special moment with her. Congrats to Merissa and Jon who will tie the knot this Sunday!

My weekend will be very busy all weekend long. After we arrive in town tommorow I have to hurry and get ready for her rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner.. (I will have pics). Then Sunday morning I will be waking up early, making hitting the gym at our hotel if I am not too lazy haha.. then I am in makeup at 12:00 p.m. and then hair around 12:45 or something! The wedding will take place later that night with the reception to follow. AHH, I am just super excited haha... I love getting to dress up for formal occassions.

Check out my beauty blog for lots of beauty, fashion, and fun--> Foxxy Beauty

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Throwback Thrusday

Hey guys... I thought today would be a good time to do my "Friday Flashbacks" since I will be really busy tomorrow packing and doing laundry and cleaning to go to Tennessee for a wedding this weekend that I will be in!

So let's take a look back in time through my pregnancy with my little Elizabeth who is now almost 14 months old!!

Here is my belly at about 14 weeks pregnant!

Here I am with my sissy at her wedding when I was about 5 months preggo!

HAHA I added this one because I thought it was funny... I think I was maybe like 4 or 4 and 1/2 months pregnant here... I am not sure. but I do know that I am in my niece Zoie's room hehe!

This was one of my many maternity pictures taken... it was taken around mid March and she was born April 2nd... so I was about 7 and 1/2 months pregnant.

This was pretty much the last picture of me that was taken while pregnant... I was 37 or 37 and 1/2 weeks pregnant here! I had her at 38 weeks, so this is just before I "popped" so to speak haha!

Hope you all enjoyed the lil trip through my pregnancy haha!

Check out my other blog for beauty, fashion, DIY, and fun--> Foxxy Beauty
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Momma's Day!

First off I wanna give a huge Happy Mother's Day to my mom... I love you and I am sorry that I can't be there with you this year! I also would like to say the same to my hubby's momma as well.

Things have been super crazy for me the past week. We have finally moved into our new place. Of course we still have some organizing to do, but we don't have that far to go now haha! I haven't had the chance to do any filming whatsoever, or uploading...and it's been driving me nuts! Hopefully it will all be back to normal this week, including my blogging too.

So sorry everyone for the huge delays... if you have ever moved before, especially out of state, then you know how crazy and hectic (I hope that's spelled right haha) it can be!

Check out my beauty blog by clicking here!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A day at the zoo... part 2

Hey everyone... I told you all the other day that part two of our day at the zoo would be up... and since then we have visited another cool place that I will show you all pictures of in one of my next few posts!

First off let me go ahead and tell you all that I am not completely sure when my next post will be... we are heading out tonight and driving all night to get to the new city we are moving to. We have to be there tomorrow to sign the lease and also have time to go to our bank there first thing (there isn't one here where we are visiting)! Hopefully the movers will be able to come by this week and bring all our house to us haha!

So... without anything further... here are some more zoo pictures!

I love how they are both looking up at the birds here!

And here is a picture of Michael when he got to pet the baby kangaroo... also known as a joey (I think that's spelled correctly haha)... If I am not mistaken I posted the picture of Elizabeth with the kangaroo on my first part of this post.

Lastly, we have this picture from when Michael got to touch the same snake that Elizabeth touched! Ahh... I can't believe they both did this, even I am not that brave haha! Of course there were lots of pictures that were taken of the animals, but I decided those may not be as fun to look at!

Visit my beauty blog

Friday, May 4, 2012

Zoo Day!

Today for Michael's schooling we decided it would be fun to take a field trip to the zoo as a family... Plus it was also Elizabeth's first time at the zoo! I got lots of pictures on my phone that I will post later of both of the kids, but here is just two to start off with hehe..
 Here is Elizabeth getting to pet a goat!

I can't believe my husband let her do this... She is touching a snake!! AHHH... I would NEVER, I have a huge fear of them haha!

I hope that brightened your day like it did mine... I have lots more pics to come!

Check out my other blog for all things beauty, fashion, and fun!